Cool watch faces, less is more neat. Watch faces for Fitbit and Pebble by dP-faces


1) What Pebble smart watches are supported?

(*) Only free watch faces are supported, not Premium ones.

2) Which is the weather update frequency?

Every 30 minutes, because I have found it is the sweet spot.

3) What is the zipcode for weather manual location?

I don't recommend manual location because the automatic doesn't increase battery drain. Anyway if you want manual location, the expected codes for ZipCode,CountryCode are from this ISO specs.

4) Why the maximum, minimum and the current weather temperature are equal?

Because they are the high/low current temperature deviation in your location area, not the high/low predictions in the forecast. If your current weather location is very accurate, it is normal that the three are alike.


A) Setting page doesn't load.

B) Weather information is not shown.

Check all these:

  1. Location is enabled on the phone.
  2. Location permission for Pebble/Rebble app is enabled and set as Always on/Allow all the time iPhone or Android, Android (old).